Yesterday's 4th of July was a bit of a fizzle with the wet weather we were having. New Bedford cancelled its firework display, rescheduling it for this coming Saturday.
Yet, the Bay Club just down the street from us launched their rockets despite the heavy drizzle. However, I chose to watch the fireworks from a somewhat tree-obstructed view from my second floor window rather than climb the neighbor's retaining wall while it was precipitating outside.
The damper on yesterday's pyrotechnic activities did not matter all that much to me because of the spectacular show I got to enjoy the night before.
Normally, every 4th of July we would go to my mother-in-law's where we would enjoy a pleasant cookout in her backyard. Once the sun would set, we would all walk to the beach and claim our spots on the jetty so that we could watch the fireworks from Marion as well as those on the Cape across the bay.
The only problem with that, aside from the hoards of ravenous mosquitoes, was that the fireworks were so small that they looked as though you could pinch them between your thumb and forefinger. For someone who liked being where the action was, that was somewhat anti-climactic.
So imagine my great excitement when we were offered an invitation to see the Marion fireworks from a boat out in Marion Harbor!
Our gracious hosts were Linda and Gordie, the aunt and uncle of Ariana's friend Ryan, and really two of the most warm and down-to-earth people to walk this earth.
Thinking that Linda and Gordie were planning on getting on the boat at 6:30, we quickly headed out for Marion on our way back from a necessary visit to New Bedford. Little did we know that Linda and Gordie had prepared a generous feast for us to partake in before the main festivities.
There were 6 of us ~ Linda, Gordie, Ryan, his friend Heather, Ariana, and myself. We enjoyed a leisurely dinner on the deck over-looking Marion Harbor. The Toasted Head Cabernet Sauvignon that I brought along as a gift for our hosts made a fine accompaniment to Linda's tender pot roast. (And how glad I was to find out that I'm not the only one who liked Cabernet Sauvignon!)
Linda and Gordie's two young yellow labs ~ Sierra and Destiny ~ lent their friendly and mannerly presence to the delight of all.
After our meal, we were joined by Wendy, Linda and Gordie's daughter, and Scupper, Wendy's Bernese mountain dog with those beautiful David Bowie eyes.
As the dogs, along with Tom the orange tabby, stayed to guard the house, we four-leggeds made our way to Gordie's boat, which was docked practically at his back door.
I've never been a boat person, so most things about boats are alien to me. I could not help but be impressed with how skillfully Gordie piloted his craft through the boat-clogged waters of Marion Harbor. There were more boats than what Gordie and Linda had remembered in the past. Part of this could have had something to do with Onset cancelling its 4th of July fireworks this year.
Our hosts' game plan was to be the last to get into the harbor so that they could be the first to leave. Just like motorists need to plan for rush hour traffic, boat skippers need to plan for the same on the water.
Dropping anchor, the stern of the boat faced the barge from where the fireworks would be launched. We could hear the band playing from the shore.

At around 9 o'clock, the band started to play the 1812 Overture. Shortly after that the show began.

Not content with just watching the pyrotechnics, the kids stripped down to their bathing suits and jumped right in the water.

Even though the water was awesome, Ariana and Heather shortly climbed the ladder back into the boat because they wanted to watch the fireworks from the bow. But not Ryan. He stayed in the water for most of the show, his bobbing head only visible with each burst of the rocket's red glare.

What an awesome show!

The sky became smoky the further along the show progressed. Once in awhile I could feel the ash from the sky-ward explosions rain down upon my face. Ariana caught a piece of one of the rockets as it floated down.
What a spectacular grand finale! Air horns blasted from all the boats in the harbor. We did not have an air horn, so we used our lungs to yell our cheers.

In another hour Wendy left with her dog Scupper. Right after that, it was my turn to follow suit.
Sleep did not come easy once I got home. My mind kept having to replay the evening ~ just one more time.
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