The fireplace never got used. There was no need for that. But it was still pretty to look at. And it made another convenient catch-all object a little later on in my stay.

This is that same mountain further away. The trees in front are mesquite. And by the way, my room is called the "Mesquite."

Did you know that a saguaro has to be about 75 years old before it sprouts its first arm and that a saguaro with 5 or more arms is generally 200 years old? I bet that baby in the picture above is at least 200 years old. Just count the number of arms. There must be at least 7.
I saw many saguaro that were propped up by 2 x 4s. That is because in addition to having a very shallow root system, they are also a protected species. It is against the law to cut down a saguaro.
So whenever there are construction projects where the saguaro are in the way, they have to be dug out and then relocated. The 2 x 4s hold the cacti in place while their shallow roots try to establish themselves in their new location.
How very cool it was to have a nice room with this great beautiful view. No Holiday Inn would have been able to do that well.
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