Thursday, February 21, 2008

There Is No Doubt...

...why the obquitous "they" call the television the "boob tube."

I've never been much of a TV watcher. In fact I can go for months, even years, without even the slightest inkling to turn on the telly.

However, ever since I got my new job, I have seen a lot of television. And what I have seen even further convinced me that I have missed nothing by not watching TV.

While I do find some shows, like The Family Guy amusing, I take exception to the glut of reality TV shows. They are like train wrecks in that no matter how awful the scene, you cannot help but look.

Two such train wrecks that I have recently seen were Flavor of Love and its vanilla version Rock of Love.

There really is no difference between the shows. Both Flavor Flav and Bret Michaels give a half-hearted effort to show their sincerity. However, that sincerity is readily eclipsed by their lack of shame in flaunting their pursuit to find the perfect bed warmer.

Basically that is the point of the show. It's a celebrity version of the Dating Game ~ the Dating Game on steroids.

Instead of having one bachelorette choose one of 3 guys (who are behind the screen) based on how she liked that particular bachelor's answers, these shows portray easily a dozen very needy and co-dependant women competing to be either Flav's or Brett's girlfriend and arm candy.

In the meantime, both supposed "gentlemen" are enjoying tasting and gorging themselves on the fruit.

Can it get any more pathetic than that?

Is this what the mainstream calls "entertainment?"

Whatever it is to anyone else, to me it's another strong reinforcer for my avoiding the boob tube and train wreck TV.

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