We drove to our usual spot - the Outdoor Learning Center at Mackenzie Park. However, when we got there, it was clearly obvious that this was not going to be a suitable pace for Kane to run around and burn off some of his puppy energy.
The rain that we had all day was enough to turn the park into a lake. Not only that, the causeway was totally submerged. There was no way that I was going to be able to cross it with my low rider 2-door sports coupe. And even if I could cross it, what good would it have done me? I would have been wading in at least knee-deep water.
So, we had to find another place for Kane to run.
I remembered seeing the Berl Huffman Athletic Complex on my last trip to the Lubbock Lake Landmark. It was a large wide open area. Even the parking lot was huge.
So off we went to the athletic complex with its 45 soccer fields and 4 soft ball fields.
Kane had a wonderful time exploring the new grounds, sniffing new smells, and running through puddles. He even managed to go under the barbed wire fence - sticking himself in 2 spots along his back - to explore part of the Lubbock Lake Landmark.
He was a happy dog.
However, my happiness was inversely proportional to his. The weather was cold, wet, and miserable. And after 45 minutes of being soaked through to the bone and chilled by the stiff high plains wind, I decided to call it quits.
But being impressed by all that wide open space, I decided to include the athletic complex in Kane's future romps.
It was a great place for a dog to run loose. Not only was it spacious, it was flat. There were few dubious edibles to get into. It was deserted for the most part. And on a couple of occasions, Kane met other dogs who came out their with their humans with the same intention in mind.

The Berl Huffman Athletic Complex is now our primary place for doggie fun.
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