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Sunday Cookout
Yesterday morning, our devotions were held at Maxey Park so that we could have a cookout right after prayers.
The weather wasn't the best for a cookout - overcast skies, wind, and dropping temps. In fact, it felt as though the temp dropped at least 5 degrees from the time I got in my car until we arrived at the park.
The temps may have been chilly, but at least the hearts of our friends were warm.
There are some nice and impressive bald cypresses growing in the lake at Maxey Park.
I just love it how the base of their trunks are wide and fat while it tapers to a skinny point on top.
Lena wanted to take a pic with my camera. And here's the pic she took. Not bad? Huh?
This delightful young man is Ethan, the son of our friends Liz and Keino.
Here's Lena. She was shy about having her picture taken. How can someone with a sweet and lovely face like hers be camera shy?
Here's another shot of Ethan.
Ethan was a willing camera subject.
With a beautiful, smiling face like his,
it was hard to stop taking pictures.
And I enjoyed taking every single shot.
Here's Merry, Lena's mother. Thanks to Merry taking change of the grill, there was no shortage of excellent food - especially tasty bratwurst - to fill our bellies.
Here's Keino, Ethan's dad. You can see where Ethan gets his beautiful smile from.
Clockwise, starting from the lower left, we have Neil, Marilyn (who's barely visible), Liz (Ethan's mom and Marilyn's daughter), Ted, Keino, Pejmon (who's off to the side), and Mike.
Mike's warm smile matches his cheery yellow jacket.
Fre (Ted's wife) makes the best coffee ever! Her high-test Ethiopian brew was sure welcome on a chilly day.
Where there's people and food by a lake, you'll also find ducks.
These ducks were not shy at all.
The grackles were close by too. But they had their own party, especially the fellow with the French fry.
Nyah, nyah! It's all mi-ine!
And you ca-an't have it.
Whoa! You don't need to get all huffed up about it.
Let's be friends. OK?
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