But circumstances conspired against us.
I did not have much sleep in that I was awoken by loud voices and door banging in the middle of the night. And just when I was thinking of calling the cops to register a noise complaint, Ariana said, "Mom, that was the cops making all that noise."
Apparently there must have been some action going down at the Mesquite Inn, for there were 8 cops there, banging on the second floor doors and shining their spot lights upstairs.
Ariana did not have an easy night either. Deion accidentally gave her a "flat tire," causing a painful blister to break on her foot. The pain kept her up all night. Finally at 5:00 AM, she woke me up and asked if we could go somewhere where she could get ointment, pain killers, and band-aids.
We did an early morning, pre-dawn trek to Wally World, and got the necessary items to give Ariana some relief.
Then, while we were up, we decided to go to IHOP for some brekkie and mother-daughter bonding time.
After that, we were wide-eyed and bushy tailed. We got back to the motel, I took a shower to get ready for church. And as I stepped out of the shower, Ariana had the experience that I have lately been having after a very busy day at work. In other words, she hit a wall of sheer exhaustion.
I could relate. And while I did want to go to church, I had no objection in going back to bed.
We slept until late morning. After getting dressed, we went to pick up Deion and go to the NorthPark Mall. (Ariana was just dying to get a pair of designer sunglasses that she saw at Ilori the day before.)
Well bugger! The stores were all closed. Well, duh! It was Easter.
However, the restaurants were all open. And we were hungry.
We finally settled on Cibus, mainly because they served carpaccio, a delicacy of an appetizer that Ariana adores and has not had in about 9 years.

(I didn't include a pic of Deion's lunch. Frankly, most people know what a pepperoni pizza looks like. LOL)

With bellies nicely satisfied and Easter dinner at Deion's house still hours away, we had some time to kill.
Next stop: the Dallas World Aquarium!
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