Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A New Kind of Pyramid

In one of the on-line groups that I belong to, one of the members posted that she:
  • refuses to watch the news on TV
  • does not read newspapers
  • does not listen to the news on the radio
  • refuses to watch movies about war, crime or thrillers
  • chooses to watch TV programs on things that only make her "feel good"
Following these guidelines had a HUGE impact on taking a lot of fear out of her life.

For the most part, I pretty much follow the same guidelines. Please note that I said, "for the MOST part."

Take the issue about TV.

I really don't watch all that much of it.

There was a time when I would willingly allow myself to be possessed by the one-eyed monster. But nowadays, I can take it or leave it. (That and the radio.)

In fact, I once went nearly 20 years without watching TV. The only exception I made was when I had one of my college dorm mates (who had the only TV in the dorm) put on the TV so that I could watch my favorite cartoon, "Jonny Quest."

Oh yeah, that and watch the first space shuttle return to Earth and do a perfect 3-point landing.

I prefer to get my news (and inspiration for this blog) from the paper or news magazines because I think it is important to be up-to-date and informed on current affairs.

However, I also religiously read the funnies, as well as "Angels on Earth"magazine, some "eye-candy" art journals, and Neil's issue of "Mental Floss."

One cannot totally avoid being exposed to news about the conflict in this world and our own communities; but one need not ceaselessly focus on it either.

Just like there is a food pyramid, where all the stuff that's no-so-good for your body is way up at the tippity top, perhaps we should also have a news/media pyramid as well.

And what would that media pyramid look like?

I suppose all those violent crime movies, thrillers, and horror flicks can go up in the very top.

That way I can still watch Hannibal Lecter or a good Stephen King without any guilt, just so long I don't over do it ~ just like I don't over do it on the ice cream. (I'll take a good scary movie over a chick flick any day!)

Below that we can have the news. Not all the new that is fit to print. Just the stuff about current affairs like the war in Iraq, the Virginia Tech massacre, and your local crooked polititian.

Underneath that we'll have the human-interest stories ~ the "soft news."

And on the bottom, supporting it all, will be the stuff that really makes us feel good ~ like the funnies, inspirational stuff, etc.

That way, we can assure that we maintain a balanced media intake.

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