Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gigunda Moving Sale ~ Day 2

Boy! Am I ever glad that the moving sale is FINALLY over! That was grueling work.

Whereas yesterday business was balls-to-the-walls booming, today sucked. I only made a mere fraction of yesterday's killing. Why ~ I didn't even break 3 digits.

The total profit for the 2 days was $618.47.

Doing all the number crunching, that meant that today's sales totalled to only $33.30.

Now that cannot be right.

I know that I transacted more than that amount of business. In fact, I'm pretty darn sure that I collected about $20 more than what the number crunching revealed. And that was also taking into consideration the money that I gave the kids for food and other incidental expenses.

So I have no idea what happened. I counted and re-counted the money. And every time the same numbers kept popping up.

Anyhow, all the moolah is in the safe right now. I will be using it to pay for a 40-yard dumpster.

Even though a lot of stuff got cleared out, there was still a lot of stuff that remained. I was hoping to see the house more bare than it is right now.

So, I may be having to put in a call to Big Brother/Big Sister or the Salvation Army to see if they could come and take a lot of the stuff away.

Then there is Free-Cycle.

And there is also putting out a table in front of the tree in our vacant lot, and putting stuff on it ~ free for the taking.

I could not believe the amount of business yesterday compared to today.

Yesterday, people showed up 2 hours before the sale was scheduled to open. There must have been as many as 20 cars at one time. Like I said, the first 3 hours were balls-to-the-walls business.

There were no early birds this morning. People actually waited until 10:00 AM before they very slowly started trickling in.

I didn't need the help that I had yesterday because there were hardly any people here at one time.

As such, I needed to find something to occupy me in between the short sporadic bursts of tiny waves.

I didn't want to have my laptop out, because I did not want to risk having someone walk off with it while I was assisting an customer.

Nor did I want to work on doling out the meds for the week, because I did not think that it would have been a good idea to leave prescription medication lying around on the kitchen table.

So I decided to transcribe recipes into my family cookbook.

Also, I was trying to figure out why it was so freezing in the house.

Both last night and this morning, it was very cold in the house ~ much colder than it should have been especially since the temperature was supposed to have been warmer today.

It was at around noon, when I went upstairs with a customer, that I discovered the reason for the cold in the house.

Apparently for some unexplainable reason, somebody opened up one of the windows at the room at the top of the stairs!

Somebody actually opened up the storm window and put down the screen.

Who in the hell would have done something that stupid and inconsiderate? And to think that window was open all night long. All that energy was wasted.

To say that I was livid was an understatement. I was ready to tear somebody a new asshole.

And sometime after I closed the window, I had to deal with more cold air coming into the house.

A couple of fellows came over to pick up the furniture that they bought yesterday. It was quite a big production getting the blue desk out.

They tried the front doorway on the porch. And as many ways as they tried to twist and turn the desk, they could not get it through. So they had to use the door at the original entrance to the house.

It was much easier for them to get the cabinet out.

While business was very slow today, there were several people who came back from yesterday.

One of the folks was the lady who was related to one of our neighbors and whose relatives used to live in our house. And one of those relatives happened to be the little girl whose ghost is still in our house.

The woman, Susan, brought over pictures. Ariana and I finally got to see what little Florence looked like. And yes, there was a slight resemblance to Ariana. That little girl was the same small little girl whose ghost Ariana and some some of the visitors to this house saw.

Also, Susan had photos of Florence's mother and of the house from a long time ago.

Florence's mother did not look like the ghost that Neil had described seeing.

The ghost that Neil saw was that of a tall, willowy woman with long hair, who was in her 20s.

The photos that Susan showed us were that of a tall woman who, though tall, was stocky and much older than someone in her 20s. Also, she did not look as though she had long hair. Or at least, I could not tell from the picture.

It was interesting seeing the picture of the house.

The wisteria was nowhere near as huge and over-taking as it is now. Instead of the heavy arbor to support the wisteria, there was a trellis at the front of the porch.

The front embankments were neat, with just grass on them. The steps leading to the original front of the house were bare. There was no massive rosa multiflora growing out of them. In fact there were no cracks in the stairs for any volunteer vegetation to grow out of.

And wow! I even got to see what the roof looked like when it was still in good condition!

The house looked so pristine then.

However, Susan had one interesting fact. She mentioned that her aunt said that it would cost her $1000 a month to heat the house! This was decades back then!

And to think that I was complaining about how high my heating costs were now! Why ~ what I'm paying is just a fraction of what Florence's mother used to pay.

I so much wished that I could have had copies of those photos or had a way to scan them. It really would have been nice to have been able to save them and share them with Neil, Carol, and others who would have been interested.

Anyhow, I was glad and relieved that business wasn't booming today. I was getting rather tired of this moving sale ordeal ~ of having countless people wandering through my house.

It's great to have my house back to myself.

Even though the moving sale is now over and done with, there will be no rest for the weary ~ or the wicked ~ tomorrow.

Then I will have to go and take down all the signs and uncover all the stuff that I did not want people peaking at and thinking they could buy.

Also, I will have to start coordinating my game plan on how to move all this unwanted stuff out of the house so that I could have the nice, bare Spartan house that I had been hoping to get after this moving sale.

No. The work is far from being over.

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