Friday, April 17, 2009

Big Fat Stevie's New Look

Oh God! It's SO tempting pretend that I'm Mrs. Slocombe from Are You Being Served, and make a double entendre and sexual innuendo-charged comment about Stevie's current state of appearance. But I won't.

Anyhow, looking at Stevie's pic, you may be able to make a good guess about what kind of comment that could have been made.

Yesterday, I took Stevie to Petco for a bath and a shave. He really needed it.

Because Stevie is so fat, he cannot wash himself properly the way a cat of normal size could. As such, after several months of being unable to groom himself, Stevies's fur gets so dirty and greasy that it really discourages one from wanting to pet and cuddle with him. Not only that, his fur gets clotted with these tiny micro-mats that are really too small to be able to effectively remove with a de-matting blade.

Poor Stevie was so filthy that we really had no choice but to get him to the groomer toute de suite.

Unlike most cats, Stevie is a really laid-back cat. Travelling in a car is no problem for him. He just just himself comfy in the passenger seat, occasionally trying to make himself on my lap. But because I drove a standard, with my clutch foot having to go up and down several times, my lap was not the most comfortable place to sleep on.

Everyone loves Stevie, and that was no exception at the groomer. They loved him there too.

After I picked him up and paid for his bath and lion cut, I decided to poke around Petco in search for some Frontline flea and tick stuff.

So I grabbed a shopping cart and put Stevie in the basket. He just sat there, as mellow as ever, surveying the scene from his perch. Never once did he attempt to jump out. Stevie did not even squirm. He just stayed put, sitting pretty.

Doesn't he just look pretty in his large grey cow patches and lion cut? And now we cannot get enough of petting him and cuddling with him.

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