Monday, March 18, 2019

Sharpies Art — Part 2

Seeing that posting from my phone (which is the only way I can post when I am away from my laptop) is a royal pain in the arse, my post about Sharpies is going to have to be broken up into smaller, manageable posts. Safari is supposed to be a supported platform. However my iPhone did not get that memo.

When I was first starting out drawing Sharpies portraits, one of my favorite subjects was my next door neighbor Jory, as not only was he my best friend when I lived in Lubbock, he was (and still is) quite the character.

I also included Jory’s bromance buddy Gabriel, as well as my other neighbors, like Tommy the Mexican Hulk and Mr Garcia, who loved his guns.

While he was impressed with his Sharpies portrait,

Jory was not all that overly thrilled that my design decision had him with green hair. However, after he accompanied me on my move to Houston, that issue was rectified, and Jory was pleased with the results.

My hair, however, still remains green.

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