Friday, March 8, 2019

Upping the Game

This is the third year I’ve done a serious nutritional reset/detox. As with each nutritional reset/detox, I have chosen Lent as the time period, because it is much easier for folks, especially in a religiously conservative state such as Texas, it is much easier for folks to understand and accept that you’re turning down their tasty, but nutritionally-compromised vittles due to a Lenten sacrifice then it is to try to explain to them a nutritional reset and detox, especially when many of the foods they’ve believed to be healthy are actually inflammatory.

Frankly, I don’t feel like expending that sort of energy into explanations. 

Anyhow, this year the program that I’m following is the Whole30. (Last year it was a plant-centric version of the Abascal Way; the year before that it was the Whole30.)

This year I decided to up my game. Instead of just doing a nutritional reset/detox, I decided to also include a Facebook fast. I love Facebook. It’s enabled me to reconnect with people from my past. And with my socially isolating work schedule, it’s enabled me to have a social life of sorts. But it’s also been a time-stealer.

In place of Facebook, I’ve taken to walking 25 minutes in the morning (which, so far, works out to one mile) and then meditating for another 20 to 25 minutes. (I’ve had to adjust my waking time from 6:15 to 6:00 so that I could have enough time to squeeze in a shower after breakfast.)

I’ve been at it for three days now. And I cannot say that I’m particularly enjoying this new regimen. I won’t lie when I say that I miss having my tequila boilermaker when I get home from work. And I do miss snacking on tasty goodies while reading at night just before going to bed.

But it’s that booze and noshing before bedtime that has caused me to pack on the pounds and padding. 

Each time I’ve done the Lenten nutritional reset and detox, I’ve lost over twenty pounds. But when my old nighttime habits started creeping back in, so did the weight. And before you know it, I was back to having to loosen up my belt.

I’ve realized that these habits, as much as I’ve enjoyed their taste bud gratification, did not support the person I want to be, both physically and spiritually.

So here’s hoping that with my upping me Lenten game that I will have greater success in realizing my health and spiritual goals.

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