Thursday, October 16, 2008

Very Busy - Very Pooped

This past week has been a very busy one cleaning house in preparation of putting our house on the market.

I decided to start my focus on Neil's room, mainly because Big Brother-Big Sister will be by next week to pick up donations. Neil's room was a logical choice to start organizing because of the many clothes that he had left behind ~ most of which no longer fit him.

After I got the clothes together (and washed the ones that were dirty) the next order of business was to start on the papers in Neil's room. Paper comprises a big part of clutter in most of the rooms in this house.

Today I continued with the paper purging. And from there I moved on to the 2 closets.

By the time I was done, I must have filled about 30 garbage bags. The pile of garbage bags is about 3 feet high, 8 feet long, and 4 to 5 feet wide.

After all that hard and dirty work, my body was very glad to hit the shower.

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