Friday, March 27, 2009

Some Video Fun

After having recovered from my flu, I had a lot of catching up to do with my favorite video site, Maniac World. (YouTube is a great site, too.)

Watching videos, for me, is a fun way to unwind and sometimes get a good laugh. Other times I am amazed by what I see. And then there are some videos that leave me shaking my head.

This morning I was showing Ariana some amusing videos, and she recommended that I go onto YouTube to see a couple of her favorites.

Here's a good one. (Neil, I think you'll really appreciate this one.)

Isn't this guy amazing?! Ariana and I think that the fellow is probably aspiring to be a movie stunt man, if he isn't one already. I can imagine being in a shopping mall and seeing this crazy character come out of nowhere, run up a wall, and do back flips.

(The Urban Ninja is so good, that the both of us wondered if he is full of himself. Wouldn't it be nice if he was a really nice and decent fellow?)

Going from the sublime to the ridiculous, check out this video of the
Annoying Devil. (I would have embedded this video to make it easier to video, but the embedding function had been disabled. Sorry.)

Isn't this guy a royal jerk? Yeah, but you have to admit, some of the stunts that he pulls are funny. However, I certainly would not want to be on the receiving end of these stunts.

This other video, about Leonardo the Robot, is simply amazing. As the robotics researcher in the video said, this robot is the "Stradivarius of robots." Watch this video, and you'll see why.

Don't you just want one of your own? Look at those eyes. The expression in them just draws you right in. Those cute ears and the tiny paws are the icing on the cake.

You don't have to go to some high tech robotics lab to find some amazing stuff. Interesting wonders abound all around us, in simple everyday places. It's just a matter of being at the right place at the right time, which in this instance is on board a Southwestern flight 372 to Oklahoma city.

You got to hand it to this flight attendant in making a boring, routine speech into something entertaining and memorable. How many people on board that flight, do you suppose, told their family, friends, and co-workers about this talented flight attendant?

I know that I would have. Heck, while I haven't yet come across a flight attendant such at this, I did, however, come across an airport terminal worker dancing in the Detroit airport. He was pretty good. Pity I did not have a camcorder to record his moves.

Speaking of airplane flights, awhile ago I blogged about
Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger of US Airways. You may have remembered him. He was a cool-as-a-cucumber class act behind the wheel of the the US Airways flight 1549 that went down in the Hudson River on January 15th.

Anyhow, I found this real-time animation of that fateful flight.

Even though this event happened over 2 months ago, Sully's icy calmness and heroism still never ceases to amaze me.

Gee! I could go on forever about my favorite videos. And believe me, there are tons and tons of excellent videos to be had. But I don't want to clutter this blog with an overwhelming amount of videos.

However, I will close with this delightfully ridiculous and entertaining video of the Rube Goldberg persuasion.


Now go on
Maniac World and YouTube and find some cool vidoes for yourself.

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