Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Now That the Fun Is Over ~ Back to Work

Today's project was a bit of a low-keyed one.

I was planning on continuing what I had been working on yesterday ~ packing most of my clothes so that all that remained was a minimalist Spartan wardrobe.

About 1 1/2 hours into my work, I got a call from Ariana. Both her art classes got cancelled. Would I pick her up?

Seeing that Ariana was spared from having to do an all-day marathon school session, I mentioned that this would be a good time to get some cleaning done.

Shortly after we got home, Ryan and Ritchie returned from helping Carol set up the large table for the Thanksgiving feast.

I told the boys that I would like for them to work on the chill room, and that with the indoor rain shower this morning, they had their work cut out for them.

Both the boys and Ariana hopped to it. And before long, I saw full garbage bags gathering on the landing at the base of the stairs leading to the chill room.

Not only had the trio worked on the chill room, they also worked on Ariana's room.

What a massive improvement! With the mattress being replaced back on the day bed, I could once again see the floor. It's been so long that I forgot what it looked like.

Ariana said that she even cleaned under her bed.

"Did you find things that you forgot about?"

"Actually, yes."

However, what those things were, I had no idea, because Ariana did not divulge further information.

Meanwhile, I plodded through my task of packing and culling clothes.

After packing all that I could pack at the moment, I put a load in the laundry.

And with the clothes that I had in the bin, I sorted them into neat piles so that I could decide if there would be any more clothes that I would like to pack.

I was already doing the second, and what I thought was the final load of laundry, when Ariana came downstairs with an armload of clothes to be washed.

2 loads of laundry had now become 4.

All my clothes had been washed and sorted. But I think that I will wait for another time before making my final packing decision.

It was already early evening, and I wanted to get on the computer and start blogging so that Neil could have something to read when he got home from work.

After all, Neil is my Number One fan, and I did not want to disappoint him.

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