Monday, December 29, 2008

Barbara ~ The White Tornado

Barbara has been going through this house like wild fire. In 3 days, she and Ariana have pretty much gone through the entire second floor. The only room that needs cleaning is my bedroom.

And yours truly has been stuck on the downstairs bathroom all this time.

It's amazing how one tiny, little room could collect so much schmutz.

Actually, after I had torn off all that crappy wall paper, I have been spending all that time painting the bathroom.

I started out with the paint that was left over from when the ceiling in my studio was painted. With that, I covered up all the moldy area above the showers. And I had some paint left over to do one wall.

When I ran out of that paint, I went and got the paint that was used to paint Ariana's room 6 year ago, But that paint had gone bad over the years. I may as well have been painting with melted ice cream.

Anyhow, today Barbara brought over some left over paint that she had. And it was in the same cream color that I tried to paint with yesterday.

So today I finished painting the ceiling, the door, and the rest of the walls with Barbara's paint, which worked so much better than the melted ice cream that I tried to paint with yesterday.

Still, painting wasn't the easiest of tasks, especially when I had to paint behind the toilet. Also, the surface finish on one of the walls and the woodwork was not all that compatible with the paint. It was almost like painting on waxed paper, but not as bad.

I thought that I was all done with painting. But then I noticed that I had missed a few spots on the ceiling. Here and there I could see tiny patches of white peeking through the cream coat.

Oh well. Guess I will have to pick up the paint brush one more time. But I'll leave that for another day.

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