Friday, January 23, 2009

Decadent Pleasure

I have one really decadent pleasure, and that pleasure only takes place during the cold months, and at no other time.

Had I lived in Arizona, I would have never experienced this decadent pleasure. But then, I would have not had any reason to.

So what am I talking about?

I'm talking about the clothes dryer. I use it to heat up my clothes in the morning and my PJs at night. Sometimes I will even throw in my slippers.

Nothing can describe the absolute melting ecstatic feeling of slipping into the delicious warmth of heated up clothing while standing in a cold room.

Even my feet sing for joy upon being clad by a pair of hot slippers fresh out of the dryer.

Once I slip into warm clothing, my body sighs a giant "aaaah!" of pleasure and goes into pure relaxation mode.

If feeling cold is something that can put me in a foul mood, cocooning myself with warmth is a sure-fire way to elevate my mood by several notches.

I have been heating clothing in the dead of winter ever since I was a young girl, living in my parents' house in Providence.

There we did not have clothes dryers. But we did have radiators.

Every morning I would drape my school clothes over a hot radiator, and then repeat the same process at night with my pyjamas.

Slipping into very warm clothing on a frigid day is a treat far better than chocolate.

I love the warmth, and nothing beats a warm cocoon.

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