Friday, January 30, 2009

Driven to Distraction

Just how distracted was I yesterday?

Distracted enough that I missed Ariana's dental appointment. I did not discover that we missed the appointment until 45 minutes after the appointment was scheduled.

It's not very often that I become that enmeshed in an activity that I lose total concept of time.

This time the activity involved downloading music onto Ariana's hand-me-down 8-gig iTouch.

Downloading music was a whole new world to me. In search to find music to download, I journeyed back to the days of my youth. Also, I ventured into unknown territory ~ downloading songs I never heard from bands (like Ra) that most people did not even know existed.

For the most part, I will admit that my exploration of new musical frontiers yielded some pretty good finds. In fact most of the music that I deleted from my play list were duplicates of songs that I previously downloaded.

It was a nice to experience musical memories that I had long forgotten about. And it was nice to download just the few songs from a specific band that I liked without having to commit to purchasing a whole album.

I think that I will be spending more time w/my new toy. I just have to make sure that I remain more mindful of the time.

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